Nairobi to Shenzhen

Nairobi to Shenzhen

by  Mark Okoth Obama Ndesandjo The protagonist, upon arriving in China in the wake of 911 and the onset of a terrifying global war, is forced to confront his early experiences in Kenya and the United States as a result of his growing love for a beautiful Chinese woman and a young orphan. Parallels between [...]
Selena’s Requiem

Selena’s Requiem

by Ria Dimitra It's been a year since Selena D'Agostino fled Castle Cormoran and her vampire kinsmen, staking Philip and setting Kieran on fire as he slept in his coffin. After Kieran appears at her book signing--and just as quickly vanishes--Selena receives a mysterious telephone call from a solicitor in Leeds, urging her to return to [...]

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