Epic Book Promotions

Epic Book Promotions will work with you over the next year to walk you through the process of marketing your book and help you with any of your concerns, using resources and experience in getting your book distributed to the “book buying” public.
Epic Book Promotions (EBP) will contact a wide variety of media sources and advertising outlets in order to get as many sales as possible. EBP will also act as the source of contact for private individuals and bookstores that wish to order your book.
Book Tips
Being Author

Being Author is a unique website dedicated to provide digital content publishers, authors, as well as readers, the most up-to-date information of new eBooks and offers related to free & discounted deals. Being Author delivers current, value-added content on a broad range of comprehensive, reliable and wide ranging details about books and Authors to support professional Authors and book lovers.
Independent Author Network (IAN)
Media Connect

While we continue to be one of the industry leaders in book publicity, we are much more. MEDIA CONNECT also partners with leading associations, nonprofits and companies to deliver their message on a national level. Our National TV and Print campaigns, including in-house Satellite TV, Morning Drive Radio and Online Tours, ensure you the greatest impact with today’s media.
Submit Press Release 123

Submit Press Release 123 will help you reach millions with online press release using PR Newswire. Send your release online and engage prospects. PR Newswire Wire Distribution Including: Print & Broadcast Media, Trade Journals Submission To 5,300 + Websites Including Yahoo!,, CNet News, Forbes & Additional packages also include submissions to news sites like Google, Bing and Yahoo! and social media streams like Facebook and Twitter.
Suspense Magazine Media Kit

Introducing Suspense Magazine publication. Below you will see the link to the Suspense Magazine media kit.
We will provide 20% off the rates listed in the media kit for participating authors. Our magazine deadline dates are the 1st of every month for the next month’s issue. For example: Deadline to get into the July Issue is June 1st.
We will also give all authors a banner on our site when an ad is placed in the magazine. This banner will link back to the authors book where it is sold. As for review copies, this can happen a couple of different ways. Authors can either query us their book in an email, sent to: John Raab (, or they can mail a copy with a letter to our address: John Raab, CEO / Publisher, 26500 Agoura Rd., #102-474, Calabasas, CA 91302. All emails are responded back to within 24 hours, every business day.
For more information please:
Book Tales Radio

Bookhitch is a marketing tool for publishers and authors to raise awareness of their books as well as a search engine for book lovers featuring thousands of publishers and authors! Search by title, author, or browse by genre.
Our basic listings are free, and it only takes a few minutes to list a book.
For more information please:
Targeted Media Publicity Program

Get your book into the hands of the media, NOW! With our Targeted Media Release Package the Jenkins Group helps you reach:
Television, Newspapers, Magazines, Online Newsletters and Blogs that target your books specific market.
We have precise media contacts for: Childrens Books, Business Books, The Arts, Spiritual and/or Religious Books, Self Help, Fiction, Non Fiction and everything in between.
Self Book Shelf
Artists First

To help independent authors worldwide, ArtistFirst World Radio is offering a new show series exclusively about independent and undiscovered authors, entitled Authors-First – WEEKNIGHTS @ 8PM EST.
Anyone on-line can tune-in on their PC, anywhere in the world by clicking: or logging on to and clicking a “Click here to listen” button.
To find out how to submit your materials:
Book PR & Marketing Toolkit
If you haven’t signed up to receive the blog, please visit the website do so.
PEHJ Productions
PEHJ Productions was created in 2007 and is fueled by independent film makers. The ideas behind the company are to make good quality entertainment, make the work environment fun and never stop the good ideas from rolling.
Online Review
Midwest Book Review

Established in 1976, the Midwest Book Review is an organization of volunteers committed to promoting literacy, library usage, and small press publishing. MBR accepts no financial donations from authors or publishers for their services and features an excellent online book review publication that showcases reviews and commentaries of those Midwest Book Review editors and specialized reviewers who have demonstrated expertise and mastery of their particular fields, responsibilities, and interests.
Gwyn Plummer - Romance Book Reviewer
Being an aspiring author myself, I understand the rough roads and the jabs and stabs (particularly to the heart) of trying to get a novel published. And even when that happens, the work is not done. You must get someone to read it. What entices most people to pick up a book (especially by a new author) is what someone else has to say. In an effort to assist literary entrepreneurs, I review romance novels for self-published authors.
To learn more or submit your book for a review:
Pacific Book Reviews

Pacific Book Review does a lot more than just review books; we market your book so it receives the attention it deserves at an affordable price. We also provide professionally written press releases & global recognition to the media, exclusive author interviews, video book trailers packages, author spotlights, and so much more.

You Can Get Your Book Reviewed Within 2 weeks.
You can exhibit and showcase your book at Book Expo America and other book tradeshows.
You can advertise your book in Foreword Magazine which reaches over 20,000 book buyers with every issue.
We also offer
- Rapid Reviews of books
- Guaranteed press release distribution & placement
- Media databases ** Special price only $99 until the end of March
- and much, much more.
Reviewers can also request copies of your book for review directly from our website.
Check out our site for more information about us and our services.
Reader Views
Kaye Trout's Book Reviews
If you would like your book reviewed, please send a signed copy to:
Kaye Trout
65 Starbright Court
Pagosa Springs, CO 81147
If you would like to receive my monthly review newsletter, please provide your email address. There are no charges for these services.
For more information:
Stevo’s Book Reviews on the Internet
As the former manager of Microsoft Network’s Books and Reading Community, Steve has a large following of book fans who read his monthly list of recommended books on his website. The list has proven to be a valuable resource to not only book lovers, but by the acquisitions departments at academic and public libraries, and bookstores (both online and brick-and-mortar). Pageviews are running at over 250,000/month.
Each month, Steve may write a brief review or two, but he is concentrating on the list, which will include sections for nonfiction, fiction, and children’s books. Each will be preceded by a section for best books in each category. Steve has also begun accepting “Featured Book of the Month” ads on his start page. He’ll run one ad at a time for $300/month. There is no obligation whatsoever to purchase an ad in order to have your book reviewed or recommended. No fees for any review or recommendation.
U.S. Copyright Office
Library of Congress
ISBN Agency
The Fine Print of Self-Publishing
Books and Tales
Road to Romance
The Black Writers Alliance
Manic Reads
Authors Database
Aerogramme Writers’ Studio
Barnes and Noble In-Store Book Submission

If you would like your title to be considered for store placement, please
submit a finished copy (no manuscripts please) of the book along with
marketing and promotion plans, trade reviews and a note describing how the book meets the competition (what makes it unique) to:
The Small Press Department
Barnes & Noble
122 Fifth Ave.
New York, NY 10011
The information must include the ISBN and the suggested retail price. The review process takes about 6 weeks, the Small Press Department responds to all submissions in writing.
Through, authors or publishers can fill out a short registration form and upload the text of the book to us. We will convert each title you submit to us to the various eBook formats. Your book will be carefully prepared for conversion, and closely reviewed post-conversion, by a living, breathing, human being. We look for any errors or inconsistencies, and fix them. We then submit the eBook to Amazon,, the Apple iBookstore, Kobo, and other major online retailers.
We download copies of your eBook to the iPad, Kindle, Nook, and Sony eReader, so we can see exactly how it displays on various popular devices. If we find any errors, we get them corrected quickly so your eBook will display and function with the highest quality. Meanwhile, you can sit back and relax (or get to work on writing your next book!) knowing your book will receive first-class treatment, and soon be available through various online retail channels.
Have a Ball Writing Your First Novel - Free YouTube Course

Have a Ball Writing Your First Novel is writer Gina Greenlee‘s free 12-Week YouTube course and offers great insights into the process of writing your first novel:
Writer's Proofreading and Literary Submissions Services
Writing Contests

The web’s best and most updated selection of writing contests. If you’ve got a way with making your words come to life, try your hand at a poetry contest. If you’re a teen, there’s a special category of teen writing contests just for you. For everybody else, there’s a variety of other ways to test your writing skills, from essay contests to short story contests.

Scrivener is a powerful content-generation tool for writers that allows you to concentrate on composing and structuring long and difficult documents. While it gives you complete control of the formatting, its focus is on helping you get to the end of that awkward first draft.
Scrivener puts everything you need for structuring, writing and editing long documents at your fingertips.
Merriam-Webster Online and
Purdue OWL Grammar Tools
Education First Grammar Guide

Do you have a question about the correct usage of the semicolon or how to place adverbs in a sentence? If so, you’ve come to the right place. These pages are a complete English grammar guide filled with the rules of English usage. Each grammatical rule is explained in plain English with several examples, and when needed, counter-examples. The grammatical rules covered by this guide are categorized below. English grammar is not always easy to understand, but by using this guide you should be able to remind yourself of the rules of English usage and speak or write English with confidence.
Grammar Check
Like many people, you probably learned the basic rules of grammar in school. And like many people, you’ve probably forgotten much of what you learned. Is ending your sentences with a preposition really that bad a practice? Are there hard and fast rules for when to use who, that or which? Where does the comma go?
All of these questions, as well as many more, can plague both amateur and professional writers.
Our online spelling and grammar checker will answer those questions and (hopefully) help you gain more confidence in your writing.
Internet Archive
Internet Archive is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more.
Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg offers over 53,000 free ebooks: choose among free epub books, free kindle books, download them or read them online.
We carry high quality ebooks: Most Project Gutenberg ebooks were previously published by bona fide publishers. We digitized and diligently proofread them with the help of thousands of volunteers.